Table of contents.

01. Origins and goals of the museum
02. Origins of the word "Commando".
03. Origins of the Belgian Commandos.
04. The Second World War.
05. The homecoming and the immediate post-war period.
06. 1952: training of the Para Commando Regiment.
07. 1953-1962: the African period.

08. From 1962 to our days.
09. Former and current "COMMANDO" Units.
10. Commandos dead in operations and on duty.
11. Evolution of the Commando dresses.
12. The museum in details.
13. The team in charge of the museum.

15. Nothing.
16. The “Commando” fighting knife.

17. Nothing.

18. Nothing.

19. Nothing.

clic to open

20. Belgian Commandos Manoeuvres. "from British Pathé

21. Assault on Walcheren November 1944. from Youtube


21. Dropping in Pau. by courtesy 2 Cdo